Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this project?

During the process of filming our preliminary task, I have learnt more about home the cameras work, also about how different camera angles have different effects on the viewer... I also learned about the rule of thirds and how it makes a shot more aesthetically pleasing. As well as a more informed knowledge of the recording equiptment, I also have more experience with the editing software. I have learned how to synchronize sound to film and the different effects and transitions that can be used on a piece of film...
I have also learned how to overcome problems with the quality of speech when recorded with the camrea... We simply re-recorded the voices in the sound-proof room, transferred it to iMovie and synchronized it with the film.
Cutting and re-cutting film clips to ensure continuity was boring at times, but we stuck with it as it is one of the most important things in our film.

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