Digital media has improved over the last decade by the way in which audienced view media and where they can view it... Before the internet, you could only watch films and shows on TV or at the cinema but now audiences can watch almost anything on a computer and access things through smartphones and games consoles too.
When it comes to movies, you used to have to go to the video shop and buy or rent a movie before being able to watch it... Then came DVDs and people were able to view movies much more quickly and easily, in much better quality. Blu-ray disks came next, again improving on picture and sound quality. This, along with the advances in home cinema systems means watching movies at home is almost as good as seeing it at the cinema
Because more people can watch films now, producers are making more films and spanning more genres, even creating some. These sub-genres are liked by audiences and a lot of people enjoy cult films more than the big-budget Hollywood blockbusters. Films such as Paranormal Activity and The Blair Witch Project were huge hits and cost little to make.
The expansion of digital media has also turned consumers into producers... Films like the Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield both give the effect of a cheap handheld camera, reflecting what is really happening in society. Websites such as youtube make it simple for anyone with a webcam to become a producer. Uncomplicated film editing software such as Windows Movie Maker mean that it is also easy to cut up your clips, add transitions and effects and a soundtrack and almost anyone can make a short film.
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