Sunday, 28 November 2010

Thriller Questionnaire Analysis

As a group we analysed our questionnaire and how useful it had been to us, where we went wrong and what we could change / improve.

1) Please select your gender…
· We asked for this information to identify the gender of the majority of thriller viewers, different genders would probably require slightly different content within a thriller film.
· We found that within our sample group the majority of thriller film viewers was male.

2) What age category do you fall into?
· We asked for this information to be able to suit our thriller to the majority age category, different age groups will require different content.
· We found that most of the asked audience was aged between 16-18
· Our thriller is intended to be aimed at this audience, as we have included violence and more-adult themes.

3) What type of sub genre (of thriller) do you prefer?
· We asked this question in order to establish what most popular ‘sub-genre’ was among our selected group. We will then be able to write our thriller to suit our target audience.
· The results show that the most popular sub genres are horror and psychological thrillers.
· Our thriller film is going to be psychological.

4) What would you be looking for in a thriller?
  • We require this information in order to gain ideas for our thriller, we will consult these ideas (the most popular and relevant) when it comes to writing our thriller.
  • The most popular themes within a thriller was gore, unexpected endings and twists.
  • Our thriller will therefore include violence and ‘red-herrings’

5) What is a recent thriller film that you have enjoyed?
  • This question was asked so that we can get a rough idea of what sort of thriller our main audience would enjoy, we can therefore take inspiration from these films.
  • The most popular film was ‘Shutter Island’, selected because of it’s suspense and plot twists.
  • We will therefore include these conventions within our thriller to suit our audience.

6) What kind of characters would you expect to be featured within a thriller?
  • We can utilise the answers from this question in order to design our characters and what good character conventions an audience is looking for.
  • We found that mainly people expect murderers, psychopaths and victims within a thriller.
  • We therefore will include these characters; we have created both a villain and a victim.

7) How would you describe an ideal villain? Visually and personality wise.
  • We need the information from this question to give us an idea of what our audience is looking for in their ideal villain; we can then meet these expectations when it comes to character design.
  • Our results showed that people generally wanted a villain with intelligence and mystery about them.
  • In our thriller our villain will be female, dark and mysterious.

8) What is an ideal location for a thriller film in your opinion?
  • We can use the information given to determine the best location for our thriller film, according to our audiences expectations.
  • Our results identified that people generally wanted a space that was normally associated with safety, in order to make the audience unsure and no longer feel safe.
  • One of the second highest rated locations was a forest, where we will be filming our thriller as we feel it fits the story line better.
9) Where is you favourite place to view a film?
  • We can use this information to determine what the best hypothetic release for our thriller would be; cinema release, straight to DVD, or simply an exclusive internet release.
  • The highest rated place to view a film was the cinema.
  • This means that if we were to release the film the best way would be to release the film in the box office, so that it would attract more of an audience.

10) Which would you rather do? (Various different places to purchase or see a thriller film)
· As the previous question, we can use this information to determine what the best hypothetic release for our thriller would be; cinema release, straight to DVD, or simply an exclusive internet release.
· Again, people chose to view a film once at the cinema.
· This means that we would release our thriller in the cinema as it would probably be more successful that way.

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